our history



Motivated by the stimulating atmosphere of Caprese Michelangelo, the young blacksmith Domenico Del Morino started his business back in 1875, devoting himself with passion to the production of hatchets, wedges, axes and animal-drawn ploughs, both in wood and iron.

Domenico’s enthusiasm for manufacturing quality products was passed on to the Del Morino generations that came after him: it was Arcangelo, Nevio and Vito who built a new workshop in the post-war period and successfully continued the family’s entrepreneurial spirit, extending Del Morino’s activity to all of Tuscany.

Over the next 70 years, the desire to find original solutions allowed the company to turn a small artisan enterprise into an international business.
Today, Daniele and Andrea Del Morino are leading an ever-expanding company which is present in more than 40 countries worldwide.

Motivato dal contesto stimolante di Caprese Michelangelo, il giovane fabbro Domenico Del Morino dà il via alla sua attività artigiana nel lontano 1875, dedicandosi con passione alla produzione di accette, cunei, asce e aratri a trazione animale, sia in legno che in ferro. L’entusiasmo di Domenico per la produzione manifatturiera di qualità anima anche le generazioni Del Morino che vengono dopo di lui: sono Arcangelo, Nevio e Vito a costruire una nuova officina nel periodo del dopoguerra e a portare avanti con successo lo spirito imprenditoriale della famiglia, ampliando il raggio d’azione Del Morino all’intera Toscana.


Nel corso dei 140 anni successivi la voglia di trovare soluzioni rivoluzionarie permette all’azienda di trasformare una piccola impresa artigiana in un business internazionale. Oggi Daniele e Andrea Del Morino sono alla guida di un’azienda in continua espansione e presente ormai in oltre 40 paesi nel mondo.


Key events

<span>Domenico Del Morino's initiative ignites the first spark of Del Morino history by making tools and small plows useful.</span>
<span>After him, Arcangelo, then Nevio and Vito, built a new workshop after the II World War to expand the business to the whole of Tuscany. The family's craftsmanship became a point of reference in Tuscany for the construction of harrows, grubbers and cisterns. </span>
<span>The family's commitment and sacrifice over the years made it into the thriving enterprise it is today. </span>
<span>The company adopts a new internal organization, following the guidelines of certification UNI ISO </span>
<span>The first photovoltaic panel is installed, this being the first step toward the complete energy efficiency of the factory.</span>
<span>The Rino Electric brand, Del Morino's venture into the production of all-electric tractors, comes to life. First in the world to believe in the application of electric technology in agricultural machinery. </span>
<span>Aliotti family farm is born, a new experiment in sustainability that follows the Del Morino philosophy.</span>
<span>The company achieves 100% energy autonomy through renewable energy sources, cutting CO2 emission into the atmosphere thanks to 12000 m2 of solar panels.</span>
<span>The Del Morino company continues year after year its development in the agricultural tools sector, keeping up with market demands.</span>

“For over 140 years, Del Morino has dedicated itself to supplying high quality products and to supporting the research and development of prototypes, through development projects with leading Italian and foreign companies in the field of agricultural and gardening machines.”


A farm founded on land that belonged to our grandparents, rich in history, art and excellent food and wine.